Saturdays at Jackie Robinson Park are always filled with tennis and fun times and this Saturday was no exception. There were tennis racquets, tennis balls, tennis games, and most importantly, tennis families!!! This week we celebrated the parents, grandparents, caretakers, cousins, and siblings of King’s County Tennis League with our annual Family Day event. Family and friends of our Jackie Robinson tennis champions joined us for a super fun day of tennis challenges. We started the day with learning serving technique in preparation for our Lincoln Terrace competition. Soon after we continued to work on perfecting our forehand and backhand technique. While we spoke about the importance of great tennis technique, we also had great conversations about the importance of good sportsmanship. The students at Jackie Robinson always demonstrate great support for one another and there is no doubt that the kindness and team effort shown during tennis class will continue throughout the season.

The family members especially enjoyed the “Forehand Volley Challenge” when all the students and participants were split into groups and each group member had to run towards the net when it was their turn and hit one forehead volley. The goal was to see how many times each team could hit a target with their shot. Seeing all of the Jackie Robinson students on the courts with their families having fun while also staying focused so that were could prepare for our upcoming tournament was nothing short of amazing. It was wonderful to continue to witness the outpouring of love and support that the Jackie Robinson Park community has always given us.