Saturday, June 25 marked our annual Family Day initiative, a day on which students can invite a parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandparent, or friend to their KCTL site. As usual, we had a strong turnout from family members--both those who were daring enough to join the kids on the court, and those who preferred to cheer from the sidelines. We appreciated all of our special visitors, no matter their level of participation!

At Tompkins, students practiced their groundstrokes--both forehands and backhands--to combine lessons from recent weeks. The kids were proud to show off their improvement to their family members.

The off-court session wrapped up June's Healthy Choices Month. Kate, Tompkins' Educational Coordinator, instructed the students to explain what they had already learned about nutrition to their guests. Teaching others is the best way to reinforce what you have already learned!

Also during the off-court session, the students participated in the Fitness Challenge. Site Leader Tina remarked how proud she was of her students' abilities to perform push-ups, shuttle runs, and situps!

To wrap up the session, the class played two family-friendly games: Caterpillar and Breakout. A few of the older students stepped in as leaders during these games to assist the younger students, demonstrating big leaps in their maturity and independence.