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Class Events


2014 End of Season

Unfortunately, mother nature hit us with some lousy weather for our special end-of-season jamboree and youth tennis tournament, but that didn't stop us from having some fun and rewarding the kids for all their hard work this season!

Special thank you to Jon W. and the Committee for planning and putting together the jamboree this year. The rain dampened the court, but not our spirit, it was a blast.

View all the photos from this year's end-of-season meeting on Facebook.



Class Recap: Week 15

Can you believe we're headed towards the end of the season already? July and August have just flown by! This past Saturday, things went back to our regularly scheduled programming after an amazing intra-league Davis Cup tournament last week.

Marcy played a lot of games and match play, and broke into serves. Lafayette Gardens had a 2:1 student to volunteer ratio, as did Sumner. A perfect opportunity for the volunteers to work with the students on the fundamentals. Tompkins Houses had Family Day, so there wasn't too much tennis happening there. Overall a really nice day.

This coming Saturday, we have one of our big events of the season: Arthur Ashe Kids Day. AAKD is an opportunity for parents and kids to experience tennis together on the main stage. Kids will go on the courts to play with the pros and participate in fun games. They will also get to watch the top pros practice. Buses leave at 9:00AM, we get back at 4:30PM.

P.S. Thank you to everyone who support KCTL during our annual fundraiser. It was a spectacular evening and we hope to have photos soon!



Davis Cup on Saturday

Reminder to parents and players: KCTL will be holding it's second intraleague Davis Cup of the season this Saturday, August 10! Meet at your site at 1pm and your site leader will walk everyone over to Marcy Playground. The Davis Cup is a men's tennis tournament where players compete for their country (similar to the Olympics.) The women's tennis tournament is called the Federation (Fed) Cup.

Read about our first Davis Cup held earlier this season: ‘Global’ Tennis Tournament Teaches Bed-Stuy Kids Backhands and Borders and view photos from it on Facebook.




KCTL in the Press & No Class on Saturday, July 6th!

Reminder no class this Saturday due to the July 4th holiday! covered our Davis Cup event last Saturday! Read the article, 'Global' Tennis Tournament Teaches Bed-Stuy Kids Backhands and Borders.

"Kids from The Marcy, Tompkins, Sumner and Lafayette Gardens houses broke into teams representing Russia, Japan, France and Spain and hit the courts, learning facts about their respective countries along the way.

"We try to use tennis as a way to get kids out there - get the kids active, get the kids thinking," said league founder Michael McCasland. "Tennis is the instrument to teach life skills."


KCTL Davis Cup Recap


KCTL Davis Cup Recap

Last Saturday, we had a very special class as we put on our first ever, intraleague Davis Cup. All four teams gathered at Marcy site to play in a global competition. We let all the kids warm up and then had a brief introduction explaining what the Davis Cup is (a global competition where tennis players play as teams for their country to score points and win the tournament.) We pulled out a map to show the kids the different countries we had chosen for the site. Marcy and Lafayette Gardens were Japan and Russia, and Tompkins and Sumner were France and Spain.

We broke the kids up into different age brackets: 10 and over, 9 and under. Marcy played the defender since they were hosting the event at "their house" and didn't compete for points. The other teams took turns getting on to the court as the challenger in King-of-the-Court style play. France took home the win for the 10 and over bracket and Russia took home the win for 9 and under kids.

It's always a great day when we bring all the kids together and watch them compete and have fun playing tennis, so really, everyone was a winner on Saturday. We're hoping to have another intraleague game day this season in August. We think these in-class events prepare the kids for the end-of-season tournament, the ups and downs of winning and losing, and the need for perseverance and practice.

View more photos of our special KCTL Davis Cup on the KCTL Facebook page! (Don't forget to "Like" us, while you're there.) Huge thanks to Sam Hasan for the photos!

KCTL Davis Cup - Sam Hasan - 2013

KCTL Davis Cup - Sam Hasan - 2013

KCTL Davis Cup - Sam Hasan - 2013

KCTL Davis Cup - Sam Hasan - 2013



Class Recap: Forehands & Backhands

Last Saturday was so much fun. We worked on forehands and backhands, progressing towards rallying in preparation for this week's Davis Cup competition between all four sites. Lafayette Gardens came out in full force, with 6 volunteers and 20 students. Marcy even started working on serves!

This coming Saturday, we'll be holding an intra-league Davis Cup at Marcy site! Stop by and see how the kids are progressing!

