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KCTL Announcements

Season Opener 2012: Rain & Sunshine


Season Opener 2012: Rain & Sunshine


Officially, our season opener got rained out on May 5th.

But KCTL was back with a vengeance the following week. The sun was shining and the volunteers got their kids huffing, puffing and sweating all over the court. It was my first time since seeing the kids at the beginning of last season, and I was impressed by their improvement. Strong, quality strokes, it made the first day of the season very, very exciting.

At both Marcy and Tompkins, we broke kids into different stations. The younger kids worked on the basics with foam balls - ball-racquet contact, shuffling their feet, etc. The middle aged kids played short games on portable nets. At Tompkins, we focused on competition--shaking hands before and after a game, keeping score, starting a game by spinning the racquet--four of the kids even played a tournament. Big group games like jail break and three strikes are popular with the kids and are a good way to bring everyone together at the end.

Everyone--volunteers, kids and parents--were in high spirits and looking forward to the rest of the season. Me too, me too.

Marcy Tennis Club



KCTL Season Starts on May 12, 2012!

Spring is in the air and it's time to hit the court and we're going to be bigger and better than ever this year! The 2012 Season of the King's County Tennis League will open on Saturday, May 12th. Sites will open at Marcy Playground and Tompkins Residential Housing. A third and fourth site will open later in the season at Lafayette Gardens House and Sumner House.

Instruction will be available from 1pm-3pm on Saturdays. (Volunteers are welcome to come by earlier to hit together at the Marcy Playground court from 11am-1pm.)

All students must be registered. Receive your super awesome KCTL informational folder from your Residential Housing Advisor. Forms should be completed and returned to the site leader on May 12th (or as soon as possible afterwards to guarantee play.)

Have questions about signing-up your child? E-mail us at

Want to volunteer? E-mail us at, or learn more on the Volunteers Page. We'll be looking for volunteers all season long.
