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Week 4 Recap: Backhands!


Week 4 Recap: Backhands!

We had another great class across all four sites last Saturday, a particular victory given that it was the Memorial Day weekend and we had originally been worried about rain. Lots of kids and volunteers came out to Marcy, Tompkins and Lafayette Gardens. Sumner had lower attendance, but the upside is that each child got one-on-one attention with a volunteer!


Across all four sites, the kids played games and ran drills, and new players were introduced to the backhand. Here's a short video on how to hit a two-handed backhand:



VIDEO: Learn to Serve

It's that time of year again, where we start to think about the end of season tournaments. And with that, comes teaching the kids to serve. Now, if you're a tennis player, you probably remember learning to serve--it's not an easy process. It's something that most everyone has to practice, practice, practice at before getting it right. Read the post to view a few video tips on how to get that perfect form.


(VIDEO) Class Recap: Special Surprise


(VIDEO) Class Recap: Special Surprise


Saturday's class was one of our best. The weather was perfect, sunny and the wind was calm. The kids and volunteers both came out in full force. At Tompkins we even laid down lines for two youth-sized courts, so the kids could play out points while getting some perspective on court dimensions and strategy. It's pretty amazing to take a plain old blacktop and turn it into a legitimate tennis court. And it paid off, the kids were eager to get on to it and see what they could do.

We had a special surprise at each of the four sites too, but we can't tell you about it yet! Don't worry though, I'll let you know all about it when the time is right. When will the time be right, you ask? Oh, you know... some time around... *drumroll* the U.S. Open! Yea, it's big, exciting news!

In the meantime, check out these vines (short video clips) from Tompkins site. You can find us on your mobile device using the Vine app: KCTL. The first video are a few kids going through some drills. The second vine video is the end of class cheer.

DON'T MISS IT: Our fundraiser is happening soon on August 15th! If you're in NYC, come celebrate with KCTL and learn more about this amazing program. If you're too far away to join, please consider making a donation to the program. Big or small, it helps. To buy tickets or make a donation, visit our EventBrite page.

Eventbrite - Kings County Tennis League 4th Annual Fundraiser!




VIDEO: Youth Tennis Inspiration

We're approaching mid-season, and I thought that instead of just posting the usual video tutorial, I'd post a few inspiring videos. KCTL is determined to bring tennis to the kids because we truly believe kids can learn so many things about themselves and life through the game of tennis, and that everyone should have the opportunity to play if they so choose.

Here's a quick video from the USTA highlighting that yes, Under 10 youth tennis is definitely real tennis. And these kids are yes, real tennis players. If you disagree, swing by the KCTL courts the next time we have a public event. We'll change your mind!

For more inspiration, here's a video of Serena Williams playing at age 12.

Lastly, here's a video from PlaySportsTV for our players and coaches. Sometimes it can be hard for younger kids to keep the ball in the court as they begin to rally with each other. Try a "juggle rally" to keep the ball in play longer. Watch the video on YouTube.



VIDEO: Backhands & Top Spin

Here are a few tutorials and tips on how to do a proper backhand. As the kids progress with their strokes, it's also important that they understand what's happening when they hit the ball (or at least what they want to be happening.) For that reason, I've also included a video on Top Spin at the end.



VIDEO: Mini-Court Tennis, Even for the Pros

As our players become more proficient in their strokes, and at the end of the year tournament, we have them play points, games and matches on youth-sized tennis courts. Generally this means, court sizes of 36' x 18' for kids under 8 and 60' x 21' for kids over 9.

Sometimes the older or more advanced youth athletes dislike playing on such a small court. They want to move up to the adult-size court so they can really whack the ball around. But there is much to gain from practicing on a small court -- so much that even the pros do it!

Check out this short video of Novak Djokovic rallying with Dusan Vemic in 2011 on a small court. They get in 68 hits before stopping!



VIDEOS: Fancy Footwork

With all the different types of strokes and stroke variations, it's easy to forget that tennis is a game of footwork too! Fancy footwork is very important when it comes to moving around the court, being able to move from side to side, forward and back without getting tripped up. Below are two videos that show helpful drills for footwork that can be done during class or on a student's own time.

For the Younger Athletes
Tennis Drills for Kids - Pyramid Suicide Drill: What I particularly like about this drill is the placement of tennis balls on each line, so the youth athlete has to bend down to grab the ball (no fake grabs here.) Suicide drills build up explosive leg motion, improve balance and promotes fitness.

For the Older Athletes
Sveto's Tennis Footwork Drills (Part III): I particularly like the "Triangle Drill" at the 2:00 mark. The forward, backward and side to side motion reflect actual movements that occur during a game. Also, learning to change directions mid-stride will improve your footwork and ultimately your tennis game.
