Dear KCTL Family,
On May 25, 2020, the senseless killing of George Floyd by four police officers in Minneapolis was filmed and viewed by millions of people across America and around the world. Their blatant disregard of George’s pleas for life led to his tragic death, which was preceded by the unjust deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Atatiana Jefferson and countless black people across our communities. Their deaths expose the undeniable lethality of racism that America has yet to confront, and the need for full accountability.
Over the last several weeks, these events, as well as the disproportionate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, have devastated Black and Latino communities. KCTL feels the unbearable pain that our community endures and we stand, as always, against any structural organization or system that routinely disenfranchises or discriminates against them. KCTL will always support our communities’ desire to peacefully communicate our shared frustrations. We stand in solidarity with our students, their families and our neighbors across Brooklyn. We are watching, we are listening, and we are in solidarity.
I can promise you that our solidarity will not relent. Please know that we are by your side, standing firm, and want to help create change that is long overdue.
With love,
Dave Webley
Executive Director, Kings County Tennis League