
I can't believe it's already here, but KCTL's 4th Seasons kicks off on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at all four locations: Marcy, Tompkins, Lafayette Gardens and Sumner Houses. We'll be keeping an eye on the weather all week, but so far the forecast is sunny and mid 60s. A perfect day for tennis. 2013_seasonstarter

Students: If you haven't registered yet, sign-up with your Resident Association office ASAP.

Volunteers: Meet at your respective sites at 12:30pm. If you're new or are unsure about which site to report to, head over to Marcy site (at Marcy Playground) and we'll get you to the right place.

Learn a bit about our awesome site leaders on the individual team pages: Maayan at Marcy, Bobby at Tompkins, Duayne at Lafayette Gardens and Dimitri at Sumner.

Check out a photo from Saturday's Volunteer Training: Part II. View more photos from training on the KCTL Facebook page.

