From Marcy Tennis Club

For this week's class, our site leader Maayan put in place five skills/drills stations, which our students rotated between... this enabled our students to work with all of the coaches/mentors throughout the class time. The stations included: Rallying, Footwork & Movement, Fundamentals, Feeding Balls and last but not least the off-court discussion regarding Manners and Etiquette.


From Tompkins Tennis Club

This week, we have made slow but meaningful progress with all of our age groups. Our youngest group worked on their forehand strokes, focusing on how to grip the racket, which can be difficult for the little ones. They also began hitting their first few forehands of the season, so it's only up hill from here! The middle age group ran through many forehands, making the goal of this past week to hit as many balls as possible, to reinforce proper form, and to have our students more comfortable with swinging their racket properly. The older kids focused mainly on footwork, and forehand movement drills. Together we are working on moving naturally around the court, and being ready and able to move those feet when we have to.

From Lafayette Gardens Tennis Club

This past weekend at Lafayette Gardens was a blast. I'm sure everyone was postively exhausted in the best way possible by the end of class. Focusing on forehands with such a wide range of levels, class was a nice mix of tennis rotations and an off-court discussions about safety and communication.

From Sumner Tennis Club

This week's class went great. The kids did basic stretches and continued practicing their forehand technique. The off-court discussion expanded last week's conversation on teamwork by focusing in on leadership within a team setting. The kids were all provided a list of four core leadership roles and asked to think about what type of leader they identify with. The kids appeared to have the best time with the Beat the Pro game that we played toward the end of class.

Sumner week 3
