At Marcy site: Today was the first time we were able to use our court due to extensive renovations that had the court closed off for the last two weeks... What a great job that was done on the renovation of the court. It looks (and feels) amazing!

Introduction to Rally was the topic for today's lesson. As par for the course, we again had four stations setup. On the main court, we had the students trying to hit 8-10 consecutive shots back and forth. The 2nd station was the Basic Rally station, where we increased the number of consecutive shots to 15-20. (We did take into account the students skill level and adjusted the number of hits accordingly.) The 3rd station was Beat the Pro, where our students played against the coach/mentor of that station, trying to make as many consecutive shots/hits as possible. The 4th Station was our Footwork/Agility station where our students worked on various footwork drills.

This upcoming Saturday, June 21, is the official Ribbon Cutting/Opening of the KCTL, Marcy Playground Tennis Court! The ceremony begins at 12:00 pm. Hope to see you there!
