Our Board of Directors is proud to appoint Emily Roller as Deputy Executive Director, a new role created in preparation for the 2016 tennis season. Emily has been a volunteer at Marcy for the past two years. 

Prior to joining KCTL, Emily was a high school English teacher and tennis coach in Baltimore City Schools for three years, an account executive for a software company for two years, and has been a working as a writer and opera librettist for the past three years in Brooklyn. Emily holds a BA in English from Yale, an MA in Writing from Johns Hopkins University, and an MFA in Musical Theatre Writing from New York University. She is passionate about education (and tennis!) and is very excited to join the team.

As Deputy Executive Director, Emily will oversee Programming and Grant Strategyincluding recruitment, programming goals, fundraising initiatives, and new partnerships. She will help us in our goal to "deepen" our impact by focusing more effort on the mentoring side of our program, partnering with other organizations, reaching more students in Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights, and finding ways to make even more of an impact on the lives of our participants. 
